【Relying on the Teacher 依师】We must rely on the excellent teacher 一定要依靠善知识
【RELYING ON THE TEACHER】- We must rely on the excellent teacher
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17B 13’00” Vol 3 of Lamrim Commentary P26 LL7
None of us is an exception. We have been in hell many times and have also been reborn in the deity realm many times – no one is an exception. However, in the end, we still have to cycle through samsara – still in cyclic existence – it was all to no avail. In order to actually escape, what is required? We are required to study and apply Buddha Dharma. In order to do so, [we] have to rely on a great virtuous teacher, and this teacher should be a perfectly encompassing Mahayana virtuous teacher. “Now that we are able to rely on this great teacher and hear this perfect and complete teaching, today is just the beginning. Thus, you should be steadfast and adhere to it. The mind has to be steady and stable, never fluctuate – absolutely no fluctuation!” So, in this situation, we might as well examine ourselves: are we truly enduring the unbearable? We are now actually very comfortable and everything is readily available here. Compared to [these Tibetan great teachers], this is heavenly.
17B 13’00” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P26 LL7
English Lamrim Vol 1 P79
日常师父法语📡17B 13’00” 手抄稿第3册P26 LL7
依师 : 一定要依靠善知识