【Relying on the Teacher 依师】 Distinguish between correct paths and counterfeit paths 简择善说与恶说


【RELYING ON THE TEACHER】- Distinguish between correct paths and counterfeit paths

【Rly: Though nonpartisan, if you do not have the mental force to distinguish between correct paths of good explanation and counterfeit paths of false explanation, you are not fit to listen to the teachings. 】

I once met a fellow practitioner several years ago. He aspired to be ordained, but he later disrobed. Because he yearned to be ordained, after entering one monastic community and staying for awhile, alas! Who knows how many afflictions were caused. Later, before he left, what did he say? He said, “This [Buddha Dharma] is so wonderful, it is all about accomodation and freedom. However, after I came here, it is neither accomodating nor free. This is required, that must be followed, this and that. Ah, in fact what kind of Buddha Dharma are you talking about!” Then, [he] left. At that time, I honestly did not know whether I should laugh or cry. What does Buddha Dharma teach us not to distinguish? It is very simple: under today’s most rigid [monastic] requirements, you remain stabilized, do not be disturbed by it. Thus, for a truly achieved Mahayana practitioner, he is not influenced when you praise him; he also is not impacted when you defame him; he is still unaffected when you offer him the best; if you take away all his offerings or even kill him, blow up his body and send it to the Avici hell, he will still remain as he is without moving. This is considered non-discrimination! This is the correct definition! Now, we are here, compromised by habits. In the best environment, do whatever you like, and believe that this is non-discrimination. What do you say about it? It is the talk that appears to be correct - “counterfeit paths of false explanation.”


16A 26’56” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P265 LL8
English Lamrim Vol 1 P76

日常师父法语📡16A 26’56”手抄稿第2册P265 LL8

依师 : 简择善说与恶说

【虽能正住,若无简择善说正道,恶说似道,二事慧力,犹非其器。 】

几年以前,他有一个同修,很想出家,后来还俗了,他因为想出家,所以跑到一个出家人的团体当中,住了一些时候,哎呀!生了不晓得多多少少烦恼。 后来他临走的时候,怎么说啊? 他说:“这个东西,它这个佛法真好,它完全讲圆融自在。所以我结果跑到这地方,既不圆融,又不自在,又要那样,又要这样,又要这样的。唉, 实在是你们讲的什么佛法! 跑掉了。 我实在是当时就有一点啼笑皆非之感,啼笑皆非之感。佛法里面叫我们不要分别是什么? 很简单,今天最严格的要求之下,你了不动心,你了不动心。 所以真正这种真正大成就者的话,你给他赞叹,他也不动;你给他毁谤,他也不动;你给他最好的供养,他也不会为你而动;你把他把所有的供养拿走了,乃至于杀了他,把他身体炸掉了送到它阿鼻地狱当中,他还安住在这地方,如如不动,这个叫不分别呀!这个才对呀! 现在我们这个地方随顺着习惯,最好的环境,你爱怎么办,就怎么办,这个叫不分别的话,你说这个什么? 似说!“似道恶说”。


【Relying on the Teacher 依师】Nonpartisanship 具慧


【Relying on the Teacher 依师】Teach him or to learn from him? 来跟他学,还是来教他?