【Relying on the Teacher 依师】"Get-by" “ 混”



However, the partisan attitude mentioned here refers to the segregation of schools and sects. At the present time, we could have yet another type, even though it is not part of any Buddhist schools or sects, it is actually happening. For instance, we are here to study. Otherwise, why come here? Well, to “get-by” for a diploma, “get-by” for a couple of years! Why do I mention this word? Because my virtuous teacher berated me back then; I still have a very profound impression. Usually, people often say this – maybe it is not actually get-by, they are just trying to be modest – “Well, I am only getting-by here!” Just like this. Ah, human beings do not easily learn what is wholesome but easily adopt negative tendencies. Although I rarely went out at that time, those few times [I did], sometimes I would hear this, well, being humble is pretty nice, so I would also say, “Alas! I am getting by as well.” Venerable Ren told me: “Well, how can you say this!” I felt that was being fairly modest, [however,] this [type of modest concept] is definitely wrong! Later, I understood, even if you are using a word, that word will imprint a bad seed in your mind.


16A 14’40” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P258 LL6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P76

日常师父法语📡16A 14’40” 手抄稿第2册P258 LL6

依师 : “ 混”

他说的党类是指就是分宗分派的,现在目前我们很可能还有另外一类,虽然不在佛法的宗派之中,可是却确实有这种现象。 譬如说,我们来念书,跑得去干什么? 啊,“ 混” 它一张文凭,“ 混” 几年! 我为什么要提这个字,那是因为我的善知识当年呵斥了我,我现在心里印象很深。 世间大家平常,常常说,只是说他倒不一定真的混,客气, “哎呀,我还不是在这里混混啊!”就这样。 欸,人这个东西就很容易,好的不容易学,坏的很容易学,尽管我那个时候很少出门,可是出门几趟有的时候听见了,欸,觉得这个谦虚倒是不错,那我也这么: “唉! 我还不是混混。”仁法师就跟我说:“欸,你怎么可以讲这个话!” 我自己还觉得这个满谦虚, 绝不可以! 后来我了解了,你哪怕用一个字,那个字用在你的心里当中,就是一个恶劣的种子。


【Relying on the Teacher 依师】Speaking without basis “乱盖”


【Relying on the Teacher 依师】Being Partisan 堕党执