【Relying on the Teacher 依师】Understand these characteristics and strive to possess them 励力具足如是德相
【RELYING ON THE TEACHER】- Understand these characteristics and strive to possess them
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15B 03’40” Vol 2 of Lamrim Commentary P235 L1
【Also, those who wish to have students should understand these characteristics and strive to possess them. 】
Furthermore, those who wish to be teachers – that is, to be the person students rely on – also should know how to gather and guide students; embrace the students! This we have to pay attention to – often, we think that, once ordained, somehow one would be successful by leading some disciples so one’s legacy will have heirs. Although it is regarded as a good thing, however, what should be passed down and inherited? It is the Buddha’s Dharma works. So, for the sake of this reasoning, first strive to endow yourself with the qualifications of Buddha Dharma, and then, when the time is right, the only concern is that you don’t want to be the teacher or you only teach a little. If this qualification is not sufficient, your deeds may be successful, however,Buddha Dharma could be harmed. That is disastrous.
Therefore, Buddha repeatedly said, “The bacteria of the lion feeds on the flesh of the lion’s body.”
15B 03’40” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P235 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P74
日常师父法语📡15B 03’40” 手抄稿第2册P235 L1
依师 : 励力具足如是德相
【诸欲为作学人依者,亦应知此,励力具足如是德相。 】
还有想作老师的人,想作老师的人,就是作为学的人依靠的,也应该知道,应该知道你怎么样去摄受这个学生,摄受那个学生啊!这一点我们要注意, 平常我们总是出了家了,总觉得自己有一番事业很欢喜,带几个徒弟,然后呢这样的话这个事业有人继承。说起来这是一件好事,但是要传给下面的,以及继承的是什么事业? 佛法事业、佛法事业。 所以为了这一点起见,先应该努力,使自己具足这个佛法的条件,那个时候对了,那个时候就是唯恐你不带,而且唯恐你带得少,如果这一点不具足的话,你事业是成功了,佛法损坏了,那就害了。
所以佛一再说:“狮子身中虫,自食狮子肉。 ”