【Relying on the Teacher 依师】It is Dharma degeneration time, we must quickly strive 末法了,赶快努力
【RELYING ON THE TEACHER】- It is Dharma degeneration time, we must quickly strive
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15A 24’43” Vol 2 of Lamrim Commentary P230 L10
Mr. Yuan was an ordinary person. He understood this simple concept and applied accordingly. Thus, his destiny was transformed. Whereas we Buddha Dharma practitioners - even those aspiring to be the teacher-of-human-and-deity – surprisingly may say, “Ah! This is fate.” Since fate is such, we just sit there and let fate do what it will with us. Is this Buddha Dharma? Regardless of who the fortuneteller is, whether it is an average fortuneteller or Buddha, they could give the same prediction, right? So when everyone hears this now, [they would say], “Sigh, it is the degenerate time. Just let it go, leave it be!” This statement is totally wrong. Isn’t this degenerate time? Not so. We have to understand it is degenerate time, which is indisputable. Yet Buddha said, “It is the degenerate time, so you must quickly strive!” This is what you should do. This is the true intent of Buddha Dharma! So my understanding is: “it is precisely because of this degenerate time we have to work even harder.” As long as you strive at it, you will be able to advance.
15A 24’43” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P230 L10
English Lamrim Vol 1 P74
日常师父法语📡15A 24’43” 手抄稿第2册P230 L10
依师 : 末法了,赶快努力
袁先生是个凡夫,他懂得这么简单的道理,照着去做,命运改变了;我们现在修学佛法的人,还作为人天师表,居然也说:“ 啊!这个命。” 不过命是这样,我们就这么守在那里,让那个命来摆布,这是佛法吗?这是佛法吗?不管这个算命的人谁算的,一个普通的算命先生,跟佛算的都是一样,对不对?所以大家现在听了:“哎呀,现在末法了,算了,算了!” 这话完全错了。那么难道不是末法吗?不,我们要了解是末法,这一点是绝对没问题,佛讲的;这个话:“现在末法了,赶快努力啊!”你就应该这样,这个才是佛法的真正的真义!所以我了解了,正因为末法所以我们更要努力啊;你只要努力,你就向上了。