【Relying on the Teacher 依师】Do not criticize others from head to toe 不要评头论足
【RELYING ON THE TEACHER】- Do not criticize others from head to toe
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15A 12’08” Vol 2 of Lamrim Commentary P224 LL2
Therefore, what is important for us now is not to criticize others from head to toe. When someone is excellent, [we would] praise incessantly. If he is not good, [we would] criticize him. You need to examine yourself [and think] what should I be doing? [We should] “Emulate the virtuous.” Seeing his brilliance, contemplate: how can I learn from him; why is it that he accomplished it? Look for the cause of his success. If you are able to strive at it, you will become him – that is how to achieve Buddhahood. “When seeing non-virtuous ones reflect within”, when seeing others’ flaws, reflect on the self by saying: “Well, I should not be like that!” We should never criticize others from head to toe, which is completely meaningless, absolutely senseless.
15A 12’08” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P224 LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P74
日常师父法语📡15A 12’08” 手抄稿第2册P224 LL2
依师 : 不要评头论足
所以我们真正要在这个地方重要的,不要对别人去评头论足,他好,赞叹不已,他坏,你就说他。你自己看,我应该怎么办?“见贤思齐焉”。看见他精彩,想:我怎么样才能够跟他学,他为什么能够做到,找到他做到的因,你能够努力去做,你就是他,就是佛。“见不贤是内自省也”,看见人家不对,自己反省,说:“啊,我可不要这样!” 我们不要去评头论足别人,那是一点意思都没有,一点意思都没有。