【希求解脱 Mind Intent on Liberation】三有盛世 The vast wonders of cyclic existence


希求解脱 : 三有盛世



日常师父法语📡71A 04'03" ~ 04'45" 手抄稿第九册P215 L6

71A 04'03" ~ 04'45 Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P215 L6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P284

 【Mind Intent on Liberation】- The vast wonders of cyclic existence

【Even if you gained the vast wonders of cyclic existence, they would be illusory…experiencing limitless and pointless suffering.】
No matter what wonders of cyclic existence you have gained, what are they really?  "Illusory," is the word.  They deceived you, deceived you little by little.  Consequently, you will have to endure limitless sufferings.  These limitless sufferings are actually pointless.  Why does it say "limitless and pointless sufferings"?  Our cultivation is not something that is happy to do.  Cultivation is a miserable thing! Aye, but cultivation - behind this small suffering, there is a great meaning!  This suffering now is limitless and pointless.  This is what we should discern very clearly!  Aye, this is what we should absolutely discern clearly.


【希求解脱 Mind intent on liberation 】精进 Joyous perseverance    


【希求解脱 Mind Intent on Liberation】流过多少眼泪 How much tears have been shed?