【修心 Cultivation of the Mind】孝子心 A dutiful child

修心 : 孝子心


来源 Source :

日常师父法语📡 66B 10'50" ~ 11'51" 手抄稿第9册P58 L2

66B 10'50" ~ 11'51" Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P58 L2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P263

【Cultivation of the Mind】 - A dutiful child

When he first taught us how to rely on an excellent teacher, he first described how to rely in motivation. In other words, with what sort of attitude should you rely on the teacher? He used the materials inside the Array of Stalks Sutra [to teach us]. We can just pick any two attitudes to talk about it. The first one is like a dutiful child and the second one is to have an attitude like a diamond. What is the attitude of a dutiful child? That is to not use your own thought such as, “this is what I want to do.” You want to at all times observe your father. So now who is this father? The father who has dharma body (of the teaching). You should be filial to your parents of the mundane world who have brought you up. If you can be filial, you will obtain the most quintessential merits in this world. Now, towards the parents who have dharma body of the teaching, if you can be filial, you will be able to obtain that which accords to the a quintessential dharma body of the teaching. What is the quintessential dharma body of the teaching? That is the Buddha!


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