【修心 Cultivation of our mind】认识整体大纲的重要性 The importance of understanding the main outline

修心 : 认识整体大纲的重要性


来源 Source :

日常师父法语📡66B 01'30" ~ 02'10" 手抄稿第9册P53 LL2

66B 01'30" ~ 02'10" Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P53 LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P151

Cultivation of our mind – The importance of understanding the main outline

That is if you do not recognize the main outline, you just go about and enter through any point you come upon, that is when you will be greatly disadvantaged. In regards to reaching the final goal, through any contact point [with Buddhism], you will certainly be able to get there. However, you would have gone through a long path, you have no idea how much longer it will be! You have no idea how many unjust miseries you will have to endure! Therefore, if you first understand the main outline, and advance according to the stages, you have no idea how advantageous it is for you. This is the only proper direct path! And it is the best, the most complete. [Hence] among these points, there is this crucial key point.


【修心 Cultivation of the Mind 】圆满纲要的好处 Benefits of the comprehensive outline


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