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【业果 KARMA】悲心中的呵斥 Reproach with compassion

业果 : 悲心中的呵斥

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54A 00’16″~01’09” 手抄稿第七册P185-L2 日常师父法语


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日常师父法语54A 00'16"~01'09" 手抄稿第七册P185-L2

54A 00’16” – 01’09” Vol 7 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse  P185 L2
English Lamrim Vol 1 Pg 226

Karma – Reproach with compassion

Now in this case, we gradually come to understand that, those who are truly good to us, whether they are your teachers, or fellow students and friends who truly wish to improve together, your teachers will certainly tell you at any time that you’re wrong, you’re wrong. They may even reproach you in many circumstances. Some people say, “Eh, isn’t reproaching a type of offensive speech?” Yes! If you just look from an external perspective, it is an offensive speech, they are the same. But there are a few things in the karma of offensive speech: the basis, attitude, performance and culmination. Attitude, what is attitude? The most important things in attitude are motivation and affliction. Therefore, if you carry hostility and reproach others, that is offensive speech. However, if you carry compassion to help others, then it is not [offensive speech]. Do you understand? This difference is right here!