【亲近善知识 Relying on The Excellent Teacher】 为何见不到佛 Why can’t I see Buddha

亲近善知识 : 为何见不到佛

我们现在所以找不到善知识,为什么?就自己的看错、看不见,只看见别人的错,这是真正的原因。所以现在有人说:「欸,那这些人难道是善知识吗?」这些人  是!容或是善知识,容或不是善知识,正因为现在有这个情况,让你好好地从这个上面努力。然后呢,把看人家的过失,还过头来看自己,你有了这个本事以后,然后佛在你眼前的话,你才有机会接近他。

来源 Source:

日常师父法语44A 23'26" ~ 24'02" 手抄稿第六册P122 L8

44A 23'26" ~ 24'02" Vol 6 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse 122 L8
English Lamrim Vol 1 Pg 185

Relying on The Excellent Teacher – Why can’t I see Buddha

Why is it we can’t find an excellent teacher now, why? We can’t see our own faults, we don’t see it. We only see the faults of others. This is the real reason. So some people would say, “Eh, well how about those people, are they truly excellent teachers?” These people...yes! They may be excellent teachers and they may not be. It is precisely because there is this situation now which allows you to work diligently from here. And then, you can change from looking at others’ faults to reflecting on yourself instead. Once you have this ability, and then Buddha is in front of you, you will have the chance to be close to him.


【皈依 Taking refuge】佛之所以成为佛 The reason why Buddha attained Buddhahood


【皈依 Taking refuge】佛无住涅槃 The Buddha in non-abiding Nirvana