【念死 Mindfulness of Death】以不坚实换坚实 Exchanging the insignificant for the significant

念死 : 以不坚实换坚实


那么因为你修习了,这个修习的时候,看喔!“恆常、殷重、精进”—— 时间上面哪,不要让它断,时间上面不要让它断,这个叫恆常;修的时候呢,很认真、很努力,这样的精进,这样才是真正精进。那么这个修什么?“修集皈依淨戒诸微妙业”,这个真正微妙的,这个不是欺诳的、不是坏的。于是在这种状态之下,虽然我们这个身是空的、是假的、不坚实的,却是利用这个不坚实的身体啊,能够修习而得到各式各样坚固、殊胜的实在的果报。

来源 Source:

日常师父法语37B 16'39"~17'48" 手抄稿第五册P163LL2

37B 16’39” ~ 17’48” Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P163LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P146

【Mindfulness of Death】– Exchanging the insignificant for the significant

【With constant and respectful effort you will accumulate good karma by doing such virtuous deeds as going for refuge and maintaining ethical discipline. You will thereby bring lasting significance to things, like the body, that would not have had such significance. 】

Because you have practiced, and when practicing, look! “constant and respectful effort”. In terms of time, do not allow it to break, time wise, do not let it break, this is called “constant”. During practice, be very serious, put in great effort;with such kind of perseverance, this is then true joyous perseverance. So what are we practicing? “accumulate good karma by doing such virtuous deeds as going for refuge and maintaining ethical discipline”. This is truly virtuous, this is not deceptive and not bad. Therefore under such a situation, although our body is empty, unreal and is lack of any significance, we have made use of this body that have no significance to practice and achieve various lasting, excellent and genuine karmic fruits.


【念死 Mindfulness of Death】人生难有百年 The Human Lifespan hardly reaches a hundred years


【念死 Mindfulness of Death】以不坚实换坚实 Exchanging the insignificant for the significant