【念死 Mindfulness of Death】这个那个放不下 Cannot let go of this and that
念死 : 这个那个放不下
现在我们所以放不下的原因就是这个。唉呀,这个也放不下、那个也放不下,这个也重要、那个也重要。你一旦想到:唉呀,今天晚上要死了,没有一样东西放不下,叫你不舍都来不及,因为摆在这个地方,你到那儿没有用啊!然后你舍掉了以后,你真正的带到下世去啦!就是这样。这个是我们人人可以体会得到的。换句话说,也就是人人有这个能 力,不是没有啊!可怜、可惜的是没有善巧利用啊!不但没有善巧利用,还用了这个害自己。这个是佛法真正可贵的地方。佛法绝对不会要我们做,做不到的事情,佛法只是告诉你,你做错的事情把它改过来,这个是真正重要的,我们要了解到。
来源 Source:
日常师父法语37B 14'23"~15'13" 手抄稿第五册P162LL4
37B 14'23"~15'13" Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P162LL4
English Lamrim Vol 1 Pg 146
【Mindfulness of death】- Cannot let go of this and that
Now, the reason why we are not able to let go, is this. Ai-yah, cannot let go of this, cannot let go of that, this is important, that is also important. But the moment you think, “Tonight (I’m) going to die.”, you will be able to let go of everything. Even when told not to give it up, you will not be able to do it. Because all of these things here (this life) will eventually be useless and not able to use there (next life)! Then after you really give it up, you truly bring this (the concept of letting go) to your next life! It is like this. This is something that everyone can understand through experience. In another words, it means that everyone has this ability, not that they don’t! It is a pity and unfortunate that it isn’t put into appropriate good use! Not only it is not put into proper use, it is used to harm oneself. This is where the Dharma is truly valuable. The Dharma will never make us do things that is beyond achievement. The Dharma let you know how to correct the things that you have done wrongly. This is really important. We need to understand this.