【暇满 A human life of leisure and opportunity】修习清净正法 To learn and practice the pure teachings

暇满: 修习清净正法


来源 Source:

日常师父法语30B 15'16" - 15'50" 手抄稿第四册P209LL6

30B 15'16"- 15'50" Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P209 LL6
English Lamrim Vol 1 Pg 120

【A human life of leisure and opportunity】- To learn and practice the pure teachings

【A human life of leisure and opportunity】- To learn and practice the pure teachings

Well then if we wish to attain lasting happiness, what would that be? To learn and practice the pure teachings. We must practice! If you do not practice the pure teachings, then what are we busy with? We are busy with the current things in our lives, and yet the pure teaching is not something we want to do immediately! To practice the teachings, we must work very diligently and tirelessly! It is like this. So if you don’t practice and only work for immediate things, look for just some happiness, then animals do that too, this is absolutely true. They are even more powerful than us, way better than us! Do you believe it?


【暇满 A human life of leisure and opportunity】等同畜生 Equivalent to being animals


【暇满 A human life of leisure and opportunity】贪图眼前快乐的果报 The effect/fruit of craving for happiness in the current life.