【暇满 A human life of leisure and opportunity】五他圆满 ; 说正法The five aspects of opportunity that pertain to others; the sublime teaching is being taught.

暇满 : 五他圆满 ; 说正法


来源 Source:

日常师父法语30B 01'59" -02'31" 手抄稿第四册P202-L7

30B 01'59" ~ 02'31" Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse  P202 L7
English Lamrim Vol 1 Pg 120

【A human life of leisure and opportunity】– The five aspects of opportunity that pertain to others; the sublime teaching is being taught.

That is Buddha has visited, then “the sublime teaching is being taught.” Eh, everyone may say Buddha has appeared, of course he would be teaching. This is not that simple! Not that simple! Sometimes Buddha appearred without giving teachings! And even when he does teach, he does not teach much! Refering to what we have said earlier, not only has Buddha gone through three countless eons [asaṅkhyākalpas], there must be a lot of people who are concordant (to the teachings). You need these people to have the sublime teaching being taught. If these people are not there, the Buddha won’t speak. Look! When Buddha gives teachings there must be what [under what condition]? “There need to be people requesting for it, and there are causes and conditions!” Surely, there must be causes and conditions!


【暇满 A human life of leisure and opportunity】五他圆满 ; 教住The five aspects of opportunity that pertains to others; there are those that follow the sublime Teachings


【暇满 A human life of leisure and opportunity】佛降世有多难能可贵 It is so rare and precious for Buddha to be born in this world