【闻思修 Listen,contemplate,act】我是凡夫,所以... I am an ordinary being, therefore ….
听闻: 我是凡夫,所以...
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我自己又想起我的善知识,以前常常用这个勉励、要求我。我心里面常常想:唉!法师讲的,我还是一个凡夫啊,我还是一个凡夫啊!有一次他就跟我说:「正因为凡夫所以才跟你讲,那你圣人,我还跟你讲什么!我磕你的头向你学,你讲给我听啦!」 我抓抓头想:对呀!但是这个问题还是弄不清楚。我听完了回来想一想:「我还是凡夫,还是要求太高了!」 以后慢慢才懂。说你凡夫才要学,你感到了痛苦,所以要听着佛法净化自己,下这个因,将来才能够步步上升,感得透脱痛苦的果,非常清楚。
来源 Source :
日常师父法语10A 5'36" ~ 6'22" 手抄稿第二册 P40-L4
10A 5’36” ~ 6’22” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P40L4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P56
Listening to the Teachings – I am an ordinary being, therefore ….
[How to listen to and explain the teachings]
[A. How to listen to a teaching in which both the teaching and its author are great]
[1. Contemplating the benefits of hearing the teaching]
I remember that my virtuous teacher often would encourage and request this of me. I often thought: “alas! For what the Venerable Master asked [me to do], I am still an ordinary being; I am still an ordinary being!” Once, he told me, “It is precisely because you are an ordinary being that I am telling you this. If you were a sage, there would be no need for me to tell you anything! I would bow to you and learn from you. You could teach me!” I scratched my head and thought, that’s right! However, [I] still could not figure out this concept. After listening to the teacher’s comment, I came back and thought about it: “I am still an ordinary being. His demands are still too high!” Later, it gradually dawned on me that because you are an ordinary being, [you] need to learn. You feel suffering so you need to listen to the teachings for self-purification. Plant seeds so that in the future step-by-step advancement is available and you will eventually be released from the effects of suffering. This is very clear.