【亲近善知识 Relying on The Excellent Teacher】未依过患者 The faults of not relying on the teacher P17


到了那个时候又胃不大好,那么就看医生。那时看了几次医生,觉得没问题,但是我受了先天的影响,我晓得那个中医治本的,西医治标的,西医往往等到你那个病发现的时候已经来不及治了。我心里总一直在想,他是现在检查是检查不出来,但是那个根不拔掉总归在,所以自己以为自以为是。他医生说,你不必吃这个药;既然我想不对,我又拖了那么久,我主动地自己去买那个药来吃,前前后后吃了一年多。我现在这个胃不好,我现在回想起来,受这个绝大的影响! 往往心里面自己觉得有病,就害害在这个上头。所以以后啊,当然这个世法上面,佛法上面亦复如是。往往我们自己觉得,他在安慰你、帮忙你,然后呢?让你向上这个精进的这个一股力量,拿掉了


日常师父法语 21B 28’14”手抄稿第三册 P175LL5

21B 28’14” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P175LL5
English Lamrim Volume 1, P90

【The faults of not relying on the teacher】

I can still remember this up til now which was something that the very compassionate venerable who is mentioned earlier, had told me. His health was not that good either. Many people have gastric problems. So he asked how we should go about with the gastric problems. What are the signs and symptoms? I was influenced by this. It was deeply ingrained in my mind, because I felt that he had read many books in the field of medicine. However, now I realized something, what is this called? It is to believe in the supremacy of a certain view which will grant you a certain result. This afflicted view of sentient beings is very difficult to uproot! As time went on, I had gastric problems again. So I went to see the doctor. After seeing the doctor a few times, nothing was wrong. But I had already been influenced by the previous ideas. I knew that Chinese medicine gets to the root of the problem whereas western medicine only treats the symptoms. Often, by the time the western doctor diagnoses your illness, it might be too late to treat it. So I kept thinking that even though he cannot find anything now, the root of the problem remains. The doctor said, "You do not need to take medicine." But being self-righteous, I thought that was not the right diagnosis. Since I have this problem for so long, so I took the initiative to buy that certain medicine to consume. I took it for more than a year. Now that my stomach is weak, I realized that I have been greatly affected by that! Usually when we keep thinking that we are sick, that is the source of the harm. Therefore, of course, this is a mundane world matter. But with regard to Buddhism, the same principle applies. We often feel that they are comforting us, helping us but what’s next? The driving force that helps you joyously persevere forward is removed!


【亲近善知识 Relying on The Excellent Teacher】未依过患者 The faults of not relying on the teacher P18


【亲近善知识 Relying on The Excellent Teacher】未依过患者 The faults of not relying on the teacher P16