【亲近善知识 Relying on The Excellent Teacher】亲近胜利者 The benefits of relying on the teacher P21
日常师父法语 21A 25’20”手抄稿第三册 P157L6
21A 25’20” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P157L6
English Lamrim Vol 1, P89
【The benefits of relying on the teacher】
So there are many who wanted to train, everyone really wanted to train. But after much effort, you just can't get the taste of it, just can’t find your way in. Give up? You don't have the heart to give it up. Advance? You can't seem to advance either. Now this section tells you the reason for that. It is that plain and clear. This concept is not spoken in vain, but at every juncture, our mind’s behaviour is clearly pointed out. It is very clear. If you do not seriously contemplate on it, then so be it. It will be of no use to you anyway. But if you take it to heart and thoroughly think about it, you will immediately feel, ah! These things are exactly what your body and mind do. It's exactly like that. But what is the prerequisite to thoroughly contemplate these teachings? It is what has been told to us earlier, i.e eliminate the faults of the three vessels, have the six ideas and the requisite characteristics of a student. These are it.