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【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】亲近胜利者 The benefits of relying on the teacher P5


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20B 12’40”手抄稿第三册 P134L8 日常师父法语


我当初出家了,听大家说:「哎呀!出了家马上闭关。」就一心一意想闭关,可是有经验的晓得闭关不好,他告诉你:「不要闭关。」那时候我心里想想:「不要闭关,留在这里侍候他!」就是这种想法欸!但是他真正的状态我就是看不见。所以我现在告诉你啊,的的确确,然后我还觉得满好咧!还不是瞪大了眼睛把这个话直直地说,还说不出口,我找了种种的理由啊!他看看: 「是啊!你不是说,你有错误要跟你说吗?真正你有要跟你说的时候,你听不进;然后稍微认真一点的话,你生烦恼,然后背后嘀嘀咕咕。」他下次:「好、好、好!你好、你好!」,那注定你就完了!这个地方我们要从这个地方去认识,这一点都不是笑话


日常师父法语 20B 12’40”手抄稿第三册 P134L8

20B 12’40” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P134L8
English Lamrim Vol 1, P87

The benefits of relying on the teacher

The Array of Stalks Sutra says: …Bodhisattvas whom teachers take into consideration do not contradict the bodhisattva training.

When I was ordained, I heard this from others, "Ah!  After one is ordained, one should go into a retreat to train."  So I set my mind to do that.   However, those withexperience knew that going into a retreat at this time would not be ideal, so they would tell you, "Don't go into a retreat."  At the time, I had these thoughts, "Not going into a retreat would mean I could stay to serve him!"  I had this type of thought!  I just could not see what was really happening.  That is why I want to tell you this now, indeed, [that was what happened].  And I still thought I was fairly proper!  I did not stare him down with wide eyes and tell him this directly.  I could not say it that way.  So I found all kinds of excuses!  He took a look at me, "Yes!  Didn't you say that I should let you know when you made a mistake?  When the time comes to really tell you, you won't listen.  If I am a little more serious in my tone, you become afflicted and grumble afterwards at the back."  So when the next time comes, "Fine, fine, fine!  You are doing fine.  You are doing fine!"  You are certainly doomed!  We should recognize this from what has been described here.  This is not a joke at all.