Pure Land Repentance is a repentance practice established based on Amitabha Buddha’s Sutra of Immeasurable Life. Amitabha Buddha’s brilliance is limitless. Through recitation, seek for the Buddha’s compassionate blessings, sincerely repent, purify our 3 karmic doors and aspire to be reborn in the western Pure Land.
Arising from Qingming, BW Monastery specially organised the Pure Land Repentance to allow the masses to practise repentance and dedicate the merits towards our departed loved ones, karmic debtors and creditors, for them to be free from sufferings and attain happiness, be reborn in western Pure Land, at the same time, purify our negative karmic obstacles, attain peace and stability physically and mentally, receive the care and protection of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
Everyone is warmly welcome to join in the Pure Land repentance, using a pure mind to seek blessings for our ancestors, aspire for all beings to be free from sufferings, attain happiness and be reborn in Pure Land!
Qingming period -23/3 - 6/4
merits accumulated from all sutras recitation to be dedicated to ancestors:
▪️Emperor Liang Jeweled Repentance Scroll 1
▪️Islandwide recitation of Prajanaparamitta sutra
▪️Medicine Buddha sutra
▪️88 Buddhas Repentance Verses
▪️Mahaprajnaparamitta sutra repentance
▪️Pure Land Repentance
▪️Diamond Sutra
▪️Sutra on Impermanence
▪️Great Compassion Repentance
▪️Samadhi Water Repentance + Offering of food to all beings and Dedication of merits (Completion day)
《 净土忏 》是以阿弥陀佛为主尊并依据《 无量寿经 》而立的忏法。阿弥陀佛光明无量。愿以称念佛号,蒙佛慈悲加持,虔诚忏悔、清净三业,发愿往生西方极乐净土。
适值清明,吉祥宝聚寺特备《 净土忏 》,让大众藉由拜忏,将功德回向已故亲人、累世冤亲债主,助其离苦得乐,往生西方极乐世界,同时净化自身罪障,身心安稳,得佛菩萨护佑。
欢迎踊跃参与诵持拜忏《 净土忏》,以清净心为先人祈福、为众生发愿,愿一切有情都能离苦得乐,往生极乐!
清明期间 -23/3 - 6/4
▪️《 梁皇宝忏》卷一
▪️全岛一起诵《 般若经》
▪️《 药师经》
▪️《 八十八佛大忏悔文》
▪️《 大般若忏》
▪️《 净土忏》
▪️《 金刚经》
▪️《 无常经》
▪️《 大悲忏》
▪️《 三昧水忏》+ 小蒙山 (圆满日)