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  • BW Monastery 1 Woodlands Drive 16 Singapore, 738994 Singapore (map)

《 梁皇宝忏 》,共十卷。又称《梁武忏》或《慈悲道场忏法》,为佛教中忏悔灭罪之忏王,也是经忏中冥阳两利的宝典,一直是学佛修行人检讨改过、洗净罪愆、消除业障、增长善根、清净身心的范本,其忏文全为佛说法语,諸佛名號更是多達十卷。


每逢每月第四个星期日,吉祥宝聚寺隆重推出 《梁皇宝忏》 。欢迎踊跃参与,一起来拜忏。

The Emperor Liang Jeweled Repentance comprised of 10 scrolls. It is also titled as Liang Wu Repentance or the Place of Compassion Repentance, which is the most supreme repentance prayer for eradication of wrongdoings among available repentance texts, and also known and treasured for its benefits to the living and the deceased. It has been the model reference text for Buddhist practitioners to self-reflect, amend, purify sins, eradicate non-virtuous karmic obstacles, increase virtuous roots, and purify the body and mind; all of which covered are from Buddha’s Teachings, comprising recitation of Buddhas’ names, that made up a total of 10 scrolls.

The main objective of the Emperor Liang Jeweled Repentance prayer is to remind and encourage us to confess and repent on our wrongdoings, practice the ten virtuous acts, have conviction on karma and its effects, be compassionate and not kill, widely practice various types of offering, be filial to parents.

Hence, the practice of The Emperor Liang Jeweled Repentance prayer benefits our ancestors and also helps us to gain incredible merits and benefits at the same time.

21 March


23 March

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