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清明启建梁皇宝忏冥阳两利大法会 《净坛/ 卷一》

  • BW Monastery 1 Woodlands Drive 16 Singapore, 738994 Singapore (map)

清明时节,为慎终追远,广修功德之见,吉祥宝聚寺将隆重启建 “梁皇宝忏冥阳两利大法会 ”祭祀祖先 , 敬设往生莲位,迴向亡者佛光注照,脱离苦生,往生极乐

此外,亦设有消灾延生禄位,愿以佛威力, 俾生者增福延寿,消灾吉祥

法会因缘殊胜, 诚邀十方善信大德居士随喜参加,共沾法益.

During the Qing Ming festival, we sincerely pay respect to our ancestors and recall their kindness. This allows us to practice and accumulate vast merits. BW Monastery will be holding "The Emperor Liang Jeweled Repentance" Grand Puja for the living and the departed, incorporating sessions to pay respect to the ancestors, supplicate and dedicate merits for the departed to be blessed by the Buddha, eliminate causes to be reborn in miserable realms, and be able to take rebirth in pure land.

Inscription to supplicate for avoiding calamities and seek blessings for longevity are also available. May Buddha’s mighty power blessed one to accumulate good merits, lengthen lifespan, avoid calamities and gain auspiciousness.

The causes for the Puja are supreme and auspicious. We sincerely invite everyone to join in this grand Puja to seek and gather blessings and merits together.

31 March

八十八佛忏 + 佛前大供

1 April

清明启建梁皇宝忏冥阳两利大法会 《卷二》