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Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva’s Enlightenment day falls on the 19th day of the 6th lunar month. On 17 July 2022, you’re invited to recite the 6-syllable mantra and the Great Compassion mantra with one-pointed focus, ridding of afflicted thoughts, wholeheartedly recite and pay reverence, gathering excellent and immeasurable merits, and dedicating it towards the swift elimination of the pandemic, for all beings to be free from sickness and karmic obstacles, increase in bliss and wisdom, and for healthy body and mind.
观音诞法会-成道日 农历六月十九是观音菩萨成道之日。吉祥宝聚寺将于2022年7月17日,邀约您一起来持诵六字大明咒,大悲咒,一心专注,排除杂念,至诚恭敬拜愿,其功德圣妙殊胜,无量无边。更以此功德回向全球疫情早日止息,众生业障病障消除,福慧增长,身心康泰。。