During Chinese Lunar New Year, most temples have the custom of worshipping Tai Sui deities to improve the fortune of devotees. In fact, the best way for Buddhists to improve their fortune is to accumulate merits and clear obstacles!
BW Monastery will be holding an online Fortune Blessing Puja. Devotees can make mass offerings to the Three Jewels and give food to the deities, earth spirits and karmic debtors.
Leveraging on these virtuous deeds, may one attain abundant merits and wisdom, harmonious relationships, good health and career success. May disasters be eliminated and peace prevail in the world. May Singapore continue to prosper, and people live in peace and harmony.
Date : 06/02/2022 (6th day of 1st Lunar month, Sunday)
Time: 3:00PM – 4.15PM
Streaming live @ bwm.sg/online
藉此祈愿家庭和谐、身体健康、事业顺利、福慧具足、诸事圆满;并祈求灾难消除, 世界和平,新加坡风调雨顺、国泰民安、种族和谐、国运昌隆。
日期:06.02.2022 (星期日,农历正月初六)
时间:3:00PM – 4.15PM
线上直播: bwm.sg/online