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2022 礼千佛法会-未来佛

Prostrating to one Buddha can eradicate numerous wrongdoings. Through the prostration and repentance to the 1000 Buddhas, one can rapidly accumulate boundless merits, counteract obstacles and negative karma in the cycle of birth and death, and gain vast merits.

Come join us on 27 November 2022 , using our hearts and minds to recite all Buddhas’ name. For each prostration, sincerely repent, seek for bestowment of Buddhas’ compassion upon us, for all of our negative karmic deeds committed since limitless eons to be eliminated. At the same time, accumulate immeasurable bliss, virtues and wisdom! May we dedicate the merits from paying homage to the thousand Buddhas to be dedicated for the pandemic to be eliminated swiftly, for the country and citizens to have peace and safety, all beings to be free from suffering and attain happiness.

Sincerely inviting all Buddha’s disciples to visit the monastery and partake in the Repentance to the Thousand Buddhas Puja in togetherness. Please register your interest using the given link (for 350 pax only). 👉 Please click here to register for prostrate prayer session in BW Monastery . Online prayers are also available.

Join us 欢迎踊跃参与@



虔诚邀请佛弟子亲临寺院参与礼千佛法会,齐心拜忏,讽诵佛号。名额谨限 350位 👉 请按此链接报名礼千佛法会 。也欢迎参与线上法会!

26 November

大般若经法会 + 超荐法会

2 December

[Webinar] 佛陀故事 《佛以智水灭三火缘》