现在贤劫千佛名经》出自《大藏经》中 经集部 (开元拾遗附梁录),又名《集诸佛大功德山》。
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Prostrating to one Buddha can eradicate numerous nonvirtues. Through the prostration and repentance to the thousand Buddhas, one can rapidly accumulate boundless merit, counteract the obstacles and negative karma in the cycle of birth and death, and gain vast meritorious benefits.
BW Monastery is specially arranging for the Thousand Buddhas Repentance Puja to be held on 20 July 2021, to provide everyone the opportunity to prostrate to the 1000 Buddhas in this eon. Through the repentance Puja, one can eliminate all the non-virtuous karma accumulated in the past year. All are welcome online !