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[♡nLine]清明启建梁皇宝忏冥阳两利大法会 《梁皇宝忏 - 卷八》




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WhatsApp Image 2021-02-28 at 20.00.07.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2021-03-09 at 07.55.57.jpeg

The “Emperor Liang Jeweled Repentance” is also known as the “Repentance Dharma of Kindness and Compassion in the Bodhimanda.” It is one of the oldest and most substantiated Buddhist rituals in the history of Han Buddhism, and comprises the most comprehensive and complete steps to accumulating vast merits and seeking blessings for the living and departed loved ones while eradicating our sins and eliminating obstacles.

This repentance ritual was written and compiled by Emperor Liang (Wu Di) for his late empress, Chi, with the help of an eminent monk called Master Bao Zhi (or Master of Zen).

The Repentance Ritual cites 28 karma stories through which participants can be guided to reflect on their sins, then confess and repent. Participants can also be inspired to become more mindful of their actions at every moment so as to avoid planting causes of suffering,  thereby cultivating bodhicitta and practicing bodhisattva deeds.

Participate in the repentance ritual with a pious and respectful heart and you will be able to eliminate karmic obstacles while accumulating bliss, wisdom and boundless merits.

法会日期 Period of Grand Puja:28/3/2021 ~ 4/4/2021
法会圆满日 Grand Puja completion day  : 4/4/2020 ,9am ~ 5pm

网站供养截止日期 Online registration closing date :  1/4/2020, Thur 9pm

3 April

[♡nLine]清明启建梁皇宝忏冥阳两利大法会 《梁皇宝忏 - 卷七》

3 April

[♡nLine] VEN TALK on FB LIve