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[Webinar] 佛陀故事 Buddha Story



Host by: Lecturer Ng Choon Lan 黄春兰讲师

Guest speaker: Ms Irene Lee 李宗矝小姐


With Singapore going into Circuit Breaker due to COVID-19, we are determined not to let it affect our life as far as possible. To do that, BW Monastery has put together a series of online webinars every Friday afternoon that will touch on various topics such as Buddhism, Wellness, Health and Diet Supplements to Life Hacks. Each session will be a short 30 minutes session conducted by an experienced speaker over ZOOM. To pick up tips from these speakers, please tune in every Friday afternoon from 3pm to 3:30pm. See you there!


我们会在线上竭诚为您分享佛陀故事、素食、养生之道、生活小窍门以及如何训练乐观积极心态面对疫情事件。 欢迎您参加我们的线上约会,“疫起”度过快乐时光。

Lecturer Ng Choon Lan 黄春兰讲师

Lecturer Ng Choon Lan


Ms Irene Lee 李宗矝小姐

Ms Irene Lee 李宗矝小姐


If There’s A Faster Way, Would You Take The Longer Route? 有一条路在你身边

  1. You have the best GPS! Use it! 您身边最好的导航系统,您用了吗?

  2. You must be my obstacle! Or are you my virtuous friend? 是敌人还是善友?

  3. Stepping on those judgement brakes 发现美的眼睛

19/3 佛陀故事 Buddha Story

Host by: Lecturer Ng Choon Lan 黄春兰讲师

Guest speaker: Ms Irene Lee 李宗矝小姐

ID: 951-9282-9730

Password: 3900

Next Webinar:

Screenshot 2020-05-12 at 8.17.29 PM.png

对植物性 蛋白质的认知

Webinar - 26/3/21 (Fri)
3pm - 3:30pm via ZOOM

主持人: 陈蓉蓉小姐 Ms Diana Tan

主讲者: 李葆育女士 Ms Serena Lee

料理讲解员: 翁秀云女士 Ms Alice Ang


15 March

芽笼区 — 佛法基础班(1 年 -上、下) -(华语班)

19 March

[♡nLine] 共修法会《普门品》