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24/12 Myth of Eggs, Milk and Cheese?
Webinar - 17/9/21 (Fri)
Guest Speaker: Ms Shirley Lim
With Singapore going into Circuit Breaker due to COVID-19, we are determined not to let it affect our life as far as possible. To do that, BW Monastery has put together a series of online webinars every Friday afternoon that will touch on various topics such as Buddhism, Wellness, Health and Diet Supplements to Life Hacks. Each session will be a short 30 minutes session conducted by an experienced speaker over ZOOM. To pick up tips from these speakers, please tune in every Friday afternoon from 3pm to 3:30pm. See you there!
我们会在线上竭诚为您分享佛陀故事、素食、养生之道、生活小窍门以及如何训练乐观积极心态面对疫情事件。 欢迎您参加我们的线上约会,“疫起”度过快乐时光。
Ms Shirley Lim
Eggs and Dairy: Health food or health risk?
(Lucky Draw)