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[♡nLine] 药师祈福消灾延寿法会 《药师经》

In the eastern pure Lazuli world, there is a Medicine Tathagata of Lapis Lazuli Light also known as Medicine Buddha, who eliminates calamities and increases longevity.

The practice of Medicine Buddha’s way is especially suitable for the current pandemic, sickness and pain, death, fear and unease, etc. If one can sincerely recite and cultivate accordingly, one will receive the blessings and protection of the Medicine Buddha, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the 10 directions, swiftly eliminating calamities, increase longevity, and pandemic.

On the 30th day of the 9th lunar month, it’s Medicine Buddha’s birthday. BW Monastery will be holding the Medicine Buddha Obstacle-Clearing for Blessings & Longevity Puja and we sincerely invite you to join in the Puja to celebrate this special occasion.

Join us online 欢迎踊跃参与@

在东方净琉璃世界中有一位药师琉璃光如来,又称为大医王,消灾延寿佛。据经记载,药师佛在行菩萨道时,曾发十二大愿,凭藉广宏大愿令诸有情所求皆得,众病悉除,身心安乐,消灾延寿。 药师法门也特别适合现下因疫情灾难,病苦,死亡,恐惧等不安的修持。若能致心虔诚念诵,如法修持,必得药师佛及十方诸佛菩萨加被,消灾免难增福寿,疫情早日消厄。


Offer Light for 49 Days 特备49天点灯项目

Offer Medicine Buddha Thousand-Eye Lamp to all Buddhas to illuminate the 3 billion world systems to benefit all beings to be free from suffering and pain, attain wisdom, and for all wishes to be fulfilled and perfect. 点燃 药师千眼油灯 祈愿以此敬供诸佛,照耀三千大千世界,度众难病苦,得智慧,随所乐求一切皆愿满。

Lights Offering 供灯日期 : 13/9/2021 - 31/10/2021

29 October

[Webinar]Healthy body + Healthy mind= Happy life (Replay)

30 October

[♡nLine] 大般若经法会 + 超荐法会