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The 19th day of the 9th lunar month is Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva’s Day of Ordainment. If one can recite the Great Repentance Practice as a form of celebration, the wisdom and merits accumulated, and qualities created are unsurpassable. One can also dedicate the merits for the pandemic to subside swiftly, world peace to prevail, all calamities to be averted, and for all beings to increase in their bliss and wisdom.
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农历九月十九是观世音菩萨出家日。为忆念观音菩萨出家,以虔诚拜愿《大悲忏》的方式来庆祝,其所造福慧资粮及功德无与伦比。并可藉此拜诵之功德回向世界和平,灾难悉皆消除, 一切有情众生福慧增长。