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[♡nLine] 僧团结夏安居诵经法会 - 大般若经法会 + 超荐法会

僧众结夏安居精进办道,诵经礼忏,闻思经典,广兴供养、如法行持,令龙天欢喜,诸佛护念。 以此广大功德力,普为大众祈福祝愿回向:国泰民安,众生安乐,福慧增长,平安吉祥,圆成佛道。


主题:慈悲祈愿诵经法会 《大般若经》、《大悲忏》、《普门品》、《大白伞盖佛母经》、《21度母赞》、《心经》、英语课诵、供佛等。

The Sangha Annual Vassa Retreat Sutra Recitation Puja Coinciding with the four months Vassa Retreat where the Sangha diligently focus on spiritual practices of praying, repenting, studying and making offerings, we invite you to participate in this joint effort to accumulate vast merits.

May our country be peaceful and prosperous! May you and your family be harmonious and blessed with fortune, wisdom and compassion from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas!

Compassionate Blessings Series

Prayers: Maha Prajna Paramita Sutra, Great Compassion Repentance Puja, Chapter of Universal Door of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Sitatapatra Sutra, 21 Tara Praise, Heart Sutra, English puja, Grand Offering etc. Please join us for the live streaming and recite the sutras together with the Sangha!

12 June

[♡nLine] 僧团结夏安居诵经法会 (普门品)

13 June

[♡nLine] The Sangha Annual Vassa Retreat Sutra Recitation Puja- Puja (In English)