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[♡nLine]*2020 Auspicious Vesak Day * Seek blessings to eliminate calamities in unison- Vows of Samantabadhra Bodhisattva

  • BW Monastery Live Streaming Only (map)

We are unable to change the external environment, but we can change our inner self and mind using compassion and wisdom to deal with all situations. During these unsettling times, let us follow the Buddha’s right views and right mindfulness, and recall the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas’ great qualities and compassion through sutra recitation, offering light, flowers, practice virtuous deeds, etc, and dedicate the auspicious merits towards all karmic obstacles to be eliminated, economy to flourish and prosper, citizens to have peaceful life and enjoyable work, pandemic to end swiftly, fears to be eliminated, and peace to prevail.

我们不能改变周遭的环境,但是我们可以改变内心,以慈悲心和智慧面对命中一切境界。 在此充满不安的情境中,且让我们随着佛陀的正知正念,忆念佛菩萨的功德与慈悲,以诵经、 供灯、供花及行善等殊胜功德回向业障消除,国家繁荣昌盛,人民安居乐业,疫情早日缓解,消除恐惧,恢复平和。

让我们一起来供养佛陀, 感恩佛陀吧!

WhatsApp Image 2020-04-10 at 12.17.28.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2020-04-10 at 12.14.04.jpeg
5 May

[♡nLine]*2020 Auspicious Vesak Day * Seek blessings to eliminate calamities in unison- Diamond Sutra

7 May

[♡nLine]*2020 Auspicious Vesak Day * Seek blessings to eliminate calamities in unison- Diamond Sutra + Vast Offerings