Back to All Events [♡nLine] MOTHER’S DAY SPECIAL Sunday 10 May 2020 10:00 10:45 Google Calendar ICS A SPECIAL PERSON CALLS FOR A VERY SPECIAL TREATMENTCircuit breaker measures designed to curb this pandemic mean we won't be able to take our moms out to celebrate Mother's Day. But this doesn't mean you can't still give them an unforgettable time! Mother’s Day 5-day Mass Chanting 10/5/2020 - 14/5/2020Time: 10 am - 10.45am88 Buddha’s repentance Puja + Grand OfferingDate: 10/5/2020Time: 11am - 12.15pm
[♡nLine] MOTHER’S DAY SPECIAL Sunday 10 May 2020 10:00 10:45 Google Calendar ICS A SPECIAL PERSON CALLS FOR A VERY SPECIAL TREATMENTCircuit breaker measures designed to curb this pandemic mean we won't be able to take our moms out to celebrate Mother's Day. But this doesn't mean you can't still give them an unforgettable time! Mother’s Day 5-day Mass Chanting 10/5/2020 - 14/5/2020Time: 10 am - 10.45am88 Buddha’s repentance Puja + Grand OfferingDate: 10/5/2020Time: 11am - 12.15pm