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[线上法会] 2020 清明启建梁皇宝忏冥阳两利大法会 (卷七)

  • 吉祥宝聚寺大殿 线上直播 (map)

《梁皇宝忏》亦名《慈悲道场忏法》,是中国佛教流传最久、感应最多、内容最丰富的一部增福、除罪、消灾、祈福超亡的仪规。此忏法是梁朝梁武帝为超度已故夫人郗氏,延请当时的高僧宝志禅师制作而成。 本忏引用二十八个因果譬喻故事。透过因果譬喻故事,让拜忏者能随著故事一一反思,发露忏悔,时时观照,不造苦因,进而发菩提心,学习菩萨行持。若于拜忏之际以虔诚恭敬之心礼忏,即可解冤释结,除病消灾,得智慧福德。 以上皆是拜忏的力量与功德。看到拜忏有这么多的益处,您心动了吗?心动不如行动,请踊跃参与吉祥宝聚寺特备的《梁皇宝忏》大法会。

WhatsApp Image 2020-02-26 at 20.13.12.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2020-02-26 at 20.14.05.jpeg

The “Emperor Liang Jeweled Repentance”, also termed as the “Repentance Dharma of Kindness and Compassion in the Bodhimanda”, is one of the oldest in the China Buddhism history, most substantiated, with very comprehensive and complete steps to increase merits and resources, eradicate wrongdoings, eliminate obstacles and also seek blessings for the deceased. This repentance ritual was written and compiled by Emperor Liang (Wu Di) for his first Empress Chi Shi, who passed on and underwent a good rebirth with the help of his teacher, Master Bao Zhi (or Master of Zen). The Repentance Ritual incorporates 28 karma stories. Through the karma stories, the participants of the ritual can follow the story line, reflect and contemplate, confess and repent, and be mindful of their actions every moment; so as to not plant causes of suffering, develop bodhicitta and practice bodhissatva deeds. During the repentance prayer, if you carry it out piously and respectfully, karmic debts and injustice can be resolved, sickness and disasters can be relieved, where wisdom, merits and resources will be gained.

1 April

[线上法会] 2020 清明启建梁皇宝忏冥阳两利大法会 (卷六)

3 April

[LIVE STREAMING] Obstacle-clearance & Blessings Puja (In English)