Start the year right with BW Monastery's Grand Consecration Ceremony where everyone is welcomed and blessed on 4 January 2020 from 9.30-10.30 am!
Abbot Jing Yuan will lead the Sangha and devotees community in this grand puja ceremony. Abbot has mentioned that such ceremonies are tremendously meritorious and auspicious for all present as the Buddhas of the ten directions posseses the complete Mahayana collections of the three bodies of the "Dharmakāya", the "Saṃbhogakāya" and "Nirmāṇakāya" of the fully enlightened.
At this Grand Consecration Ceremony, we will sincerely invite the presence of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and make offerings to them. Through this puja, we will supplicate for their blessings of bliss and wisdom merit accumulation so as to accelerate in our learning, practice and propagation of the Buddha's teachings. This ceremony includes the Consecration of the Buddha Statues in and around our Majestic Main Shrine Hall; the Jade Buddha; the Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva and Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Stone Statues; Buddha statues from our BWM Buddhist Museum as well as the many Golden Buddha Statues offered by our devotees.
Devotees can also bring their Buddha statues from home to the ceremony. We welcome you to immerse in the joyous presence of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and be ignited by their brilliance of bliss and wisdom.
Attire: Formal 请大家[盛装]出席
Gentlemen: Suit and Tie 男众西装打领带
Ladies: Grand and elegant 女众端庄高雅大方
吉祥宝聚寺将于2020年1月4日,930am正,举办一场盛大的开光仪式,欢迎大众来共襄盛举,一起来见证具有非凡殊胜的法会! 法会由净远和尚带领僧俗二众盛大进行,净远和尚提到: 十方一切佛成就了圆满的法ˎ化ˎ报三身, 功德圆满。 我们之所以办开光仪式,主要是透过这个仪式,僧俗至诚恳切恭迎佛菩萨降临,祈请加持我们学修进步,福慧增长。 本次开光,包括大殿新供之佛像、玉佛、石观音地藏、殿后方之佛像,博物馆收藏的佛像及众多金佛像。 若有施主家供之佛像,也可以请来一起作开光仪式。 欢迎大家同沐在佛光之中,共沾法喜,开启心中明亮智慧之光。