On this auspicious birthday of Avalokiteshvara, let’s use a pure heart and mind to sincerely recite the Universal Gate Sutra, in order to purify our obscurations since beginningless time, to attain limitless bliss, wisdom, and bodhicitta for perfect enlightenment.
Everyone is welcome to participate to accumulate bliss and wisdom!
流程 :由法师带领诵普门品,佛前大供
唵嘛呢叭咪吽 6灯 The Perfect Sunrise -$5 (每名 / per name)
普贤大愿10灯 The King of Aspirations -$10 (每名 / per name)
观音32灯 The Illuminating Compassion -$28 (列1名或合家 / Per Name or Family)
大吉大利108灯 The Blissful Fortune -$88 (列1名或合家 / Per Name or Family)
圆满福慧1080灯 The Supreme Enlightenment-$688 (列1名或合家 / Per Name or Family)
富贵灯花 The Affluent Blossom -$30(列1名或合家 / Per Name or Family)
个人祈福 Unobstructed Path to Longevity - $10 (每名 / per name)
合家健康平安消灾大禄位 Good Health and Peace - Blessings for Family - $50
业障病障悉消除Surpass obstacles, and eradicate all karmic obstacles -$5 (列 5名/ 5 names)
往生善趣得暇满身学弘正法 Obtain a life of leisure and opportunity-$5 (5 Deceased Names)
往生净土花开见佛圆成佛道Gain rebirth in The Pureland of Amitabha -$5 (5 Deceased Names)