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Refuge Taking Puja (Conducted in English)

  • BW Monastery The Shrine Hall 1 Woodlands Drive 16 Singapore 737764 Singapore (map)

Would you like your happiness to keep increasing while suffering to continually decrease? Wouldn't it be wonderful if our lives are always guided by the most awesome wisdom and great compassion? Then don't miss the opportunity to take refuge in the Buddha, his Perfect Teachings and the Sangha, conducted entirely in English.

你想快乐越来越多,痛苦越来越少吗?你希望生命中时时都有最圆满的智慧引领着,有最慈悲的心守护着你吗?那么,快来皈依成为佛弟子,让佛菩萨的加持与智慧成为你生命中的最佳依靠!别错过将在12/5/2018 的皈依法会 !(备注:法会仪轨和开示将以英语进行)


  • If you wish to receive the Refuge Taking certificate on the actual day of the puja, kindly submit below form to provide details for your certificate, by 7/5/2018. 如果您想在法会当天领取皈依证书,请在7/5/2018 或之前用以下表格输入您的资料
  • If you only request for the certificate *after 7 May *(e.g on the day of the puja), you can still collect the certificate from the monastery a few days after the puja, as some time is needed to prepare the certificate. 如果您在7/5/2018 以后(比如法会当天)才申请皈依证书,那您可在法会的几天后来寺院领取证书。
WhatsApp Image 2018-04-27 at 21.18.02.jpeg
11 May

吉祥宝聚寺 2018 五月诵经共修 阿弥陀经

12 May

吉祥宝聚寺 观音法门共修