Avalokiteshvara‘s compassion, wisdom and power are immeasurable. He answers every prayer everywhere and anywhere; bringing everyone across the ocean of suffering to the shore of happiness.
流程 :由法师带领诵大悲忏,佛前大供
唵嘛呢叭咪吽 6灯 6 Lights - The Perfect Sunrise -$5
普贤大愿10灯 10 Lights - The King of Aspirations -$10
观音32灯 32 Lights - Illuminating Compassion -$28
富贵灯花 Flower - The Affluent Blossom -$30
大吉大利108灯 108 Lights - The Blissful fortune-$88
圆满福慧1080灯 1080 Lights - The Supreme Enlightenment -$688
业障病障悉消除 Surpass obstacles and eradicate all karmic obstacles -$5
往生善趣得暇满身学弘正法 Obtain a life of leisure and opportunity -$5
往生净土花开见佛圆成佛道 Gain rebirth in the Pureland of Amitabha -$5