<<弥陀宝忏>> 功德回向祖先亲朋。
Qing Ming Festival is a time for us to reflect on our ancestral roots, and recollect our ancestors’ virtues as a form of filial piety.
The BW Monastery Sangha will lead the recitation of Amitabha Repentance and dedicate the merits towards ancestors, family members and friends.
▪已故 Name of departed一名-$20
▪历劫冤亲债主 Karmic debtors -$20
▪历代祖先 Ancestors -$20
▪如意花篮 Delightful Bloom Flowers -$10
▪普贤大愿 The King of Aspirations, 10 Lights-$10
▪弥陀大愿-The Infinite Rays, 48 lights-$38
▪大吉大利 The Blissful fortune, 108 lights-$88
▪圆满福慧 The Supreme Enlightenment, 1080 lights- $688
▪业障病障悉消除 Surpass obstacles and eradicate all karmic obstacles -$5
▪往生善趣得暇满身学弘正法 Obtain a life of leisure and opportunity -$5
▪往生净土花开见佛圆成佛道 Gain rebirth in the Pureland of Amitabha -$5
付款截止 :3月28日(星期三)
欢迎咨询:李淑宾 65471580 / 91377319