Exciting programmes await at the Grand Shrine. With full confidence, create a beautiful future through reviewing the past, cherishing the present, and prospecting for the future. Set up at different stations, there are varieties of activities that develop wisdom and stimulate thinking. Let's venture into 2019 together.
Time: 11pm - 12.30am
We welcome devotees to chant Mahayana Prajnaparamita Diamond Sutra at the Hall of Jewels on 4th level, praying for good fortune, health, wealth, and peace in the new year.
Time: 11.15pm - 12.15am
倒数54321 寺院跨年真吉祥
11:00pm- 12:30am
Shrine Hall 一楼大殿 珍惜、回顾、展望
11:15pm- 12:15am
Level 4 Hall of Jewels 四楼聚宝堂 诵《金刚经》祈福