Buddhists also believe that offering light is an especially quick way to accumulate merit and to receive blessings. By making light offerings, we collect merits to being born in a higher rebirth, in a pure land. Hence, we will be able to be liberated and attain Nirvana more quickly. It is mentioned in the Sutra of the Arya Loving Kindness:
If you offer 1,000 light offerings, or offer flowers 1,000 times; if you offer 1,000 blue upali flowers to stupas or make statues of Buddha, when Maitreya Buddha shows the holy deeds of enlightenment in this world, you will be born in front of Maitreya Buddha at that time.
So let’s grab the opportunity to make 10 000 light offerings as we venture into 2019! Join us on this three-day auspicious event and gain vast merits for a better tomorrow!
Date: 29 – 31 December 2018 (Specially tailored to different groups on different days)
Dec 29 Event Highlights:Children under 6 years old 6岁以下儿童
The childhood stage is the golden age of learning, praying for the blessings of the Buddha and Bodhisattva, laying a good foundation for learning and getting more wisdom. 孩童阶段是学习的黄金时期,祈求佛菩萨的加持,打好学习基础,得到更多智慧。
Collective lighting for wisdom 集体供灯求智慧
Venerables Blessings Ceremony (Conducted In English) 法师加持(备注:法会以英语进行)
People of all ages are also welcome to participate! 也欢迎各年龄层人士参与!
寓教于乐的跑站活动 Wisdom Stations Activities
Follow me 请你跟我这样作 :
offering of sutras 供养经典
chanting of mantras 持诵文殊咒
memorizing of words of wisdom 背书
sutra copying 抄经(心经)
proverbs of wisdom 广学多闻
venerating the dharma jewel 恭敬法宝
Plant the seeds of wisdom now, look forward to its blossom day! 广学多闻、恭敬法宝是种下智慧的正因,快快下种才能有收获的那一天!