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Colourful Life [ Karma + Refuge ] (Eng) 精彩人生 [ 因果与皈依 ](英)

  • 大殿 Shrine Hall 1 Woodlands Drive 16 Singapore Singapore (map)

Learn about Color Psychology, Color and Buddhism, Buddhist Flag, Variants.

Speakers 主讲者:

Pua Hwee Leng

Paediatric Anaesthesiologist by profession with more than 20 years of volunteer experience in both medical and social services and has participated in humanitarian and medical missions in many countries in Asia, Africa, South American and locally in Singapore

Jennifer Goh

Member of Association of Psychotherapists and Consellors. She has more than 20 years of volunteer experience in the Social Service Sector and community engagement, founder of youth organization, conduct numerous public forum and training


1950 年出生, 2000 年修学菩提道次弟, 负责居士的心灵提升, 佛学研究, 培训佛学研究的主持人,活动负责干部等。 现为吉祥宝聚寺专任讲师。

14 August

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15 August

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