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吉祥宝聚寺启用周供僧法会 BW Monastery Opening Ceremony Week - Offering to Sangha

  • 聚宝堂 Hall of Jewels and 大殿Shrine Hall 1 Woodlands Drive 16 Singapore Singapore (map)

1 身相端庄 
2 气力增盛
3 寿命延長
4 快乐安稳
5 成就辩才


敬爱的同学, 感恩师长让我等弟子有培福的机会,寺院将于以下时间举办一场 "吉祥供僧法会",藉供养僧宝这殊胜无上福田积聚资粮, 净除罪障:

日期: 13/8/2017 (星期日)
时间: 9am - 1pm

(1) 有两种作法

1. 圆满大斋主:
    每份$6,000, 共2份,

2. 金刚大斋主:
    每份$4,000, 共2份,

3. 如意大斋主:
    每份$2,000, 共2份,

4. 吉祥大斋主:
    每份$1,000, 共2份,

5. 福慧大斋主,共24份:
  (i) 供佛 , 12份(六斋一饭, 五果)
 (ii) 领队供奉法师
        斋食, 12份

6. 福禄寿斋主,共252份:


(3) 报名方式 : 

( 先报名先付款为准) [请点击报名]

(4) 截止日期: 

(5) 付款方式:
      请把供僧款-现金/支票开给: BW Monastery 放入信封内,並在信封上注明: " 吉祥宝聚寺启用周斋僧法会".
      班级/姓名/手机号码/电邮/年龄/性别, 以方便联络及分配。

請投入设在伟城中心3楼标明 "吉祥宝聚寺启用周斋僧法会(总相)" 的黄色箱子内。我们将尽快与您联络。

(6) 询问:
      黄祥能 : 9234 0280
      符金叶 : 9297 7578

BW Monastery
Opening Ceremony Week - Offering to Sangha

The Sutra on Generosity states there are 5 benefits of offering to Sangha :-
1 A dignified physique
2 Growth in strength
3 Longevity
4 A Happy life filled with peace and stability
5 Attain Eloquence

Material and dharma giving are both pure offerings which will create positive karmic links with the Triple Gems life after life.  It is a rare opportunity to generate boundless merits.
Dear Students, BW Monastery will be hosting an auspicious puja on offering to Sangha to enable us to accumulate our merits. 

Details of puja is as follows:- 

Date:  13/8/2017, Sun
Time:  9am – 1pm

(1) 2 Ways to offer:
     A) Students are welcome to offer any amount they wish or
     B) Become any of the following 6 kinds of donors on actual day:

1.  Gold Donor:
$6,000 per share, 
Maximum 2 donors
Opportunity to lead in offering main dish to Sangha.

2. Diamond Donor:
$4,000 per share, 
Maximum 2 donors
Opportunity to offer side dish to Sangha.

3. Jade Donor:
$2,000 per share, 
Maximum 2 donors
Opportunity to offer gift to Sangha.
4. Auspicious Donor:
$1,000 per share, 
Maximum 2 donors
Opportunity to make offering to Lohan “Bin-tou-lu” .

5. Wisdom Donor:
$800 per share, 
Maximum 24 donors, divided into 2 groups:-
    (i)    Offer food to Buddha (6 dishes + rice & 5 types of fruits)  to Buddha;  
        Max. 12 person
    (ii) Offer food to Sangha;  
         Max. 12 persons
6.  Fortune Donor:
$380 per share,     
Maximum 252 donors
Receive Auspicious card from Sangha.

(2) Donations collected will be used to sponsor the food, goodie bags and necessities offered as dana to the invited Sangha members. Excess amount will be contributed to the operating fund of BW Monastery.

(3) Registration link

(4) Closing date: 23/7/2017 (Sun)

(5) Payment Method:
      Please hand cash / cheque payable to: BW Monastery 

Place your donation into the yellow box placed at Citiraya counter level 3 labelled 吉祥供僧法会.

On the envelope please label
Name, class, mobile number, email address, age and gender
We will contact you as soon as possible upon the receipt of the donations.

(6) For enquiries:
  Xiang Neng : 92340280
  Jin Ye: 92977578

12 August

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