How do multiracial Singapore with its rich diverse culture and heritage maintain peace and harmony in the nation?
What makes us Uniquely Singaporean?
BW Monastery is very honoured to co-organise the ‘Uniquely Singaporean’ Seminar this year with IRCC (Admiralty) and Admiralty C2E.
Our friends from the ‘Uniquely Singaporean 2016’ will be back with us again to share the joy they have with their friends and family from another race.
Come join us to discover and explore commonalities, as well as celebrate the diversity that enriches our own life.
Our Guest of Honour is Mr Vikram Nair, Adviser to Admiralty GRO and MP for Sembawang GRC (Admiralty).
Date: 09/07/2017 (Sunday)
Time: 2pm to 5pm
Venue: ACE The Place Community Centre, 120 Woodlands Avenue 1 , Multi Purpose Hall, Singapore 739069.
吉祥宝聚寺非常荣幸今年能与IRCC (Admiralty) 和 海军部C2E合办“Uniquely Singaporean” 讲座。
去年参与“Uniquely Singaporean”的朋友们将再次和我们分享他们与来至不同种族的朋友及家人相处时的喜悦。
这次的讲座嘉宾是Mr Vikram Nair, 三巴旺GRC(海军部)国会议员。
日期: 2017年7月9日 (星期日)
时间: 下午2时至5时
地点:ACE The Place Community Centre, 120 Woodlands Avenue 1 , Multi Purpose Hall, Singapore 739069.