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>>Download Medicine Buddha Puja poster (In Chn) to send to friends
A) *共修项目*
日期 :11月6日 – 11月11日( 星期一至六)
时间 :晚上7时45分 至9时30分
流程 :诵药师经
B ) *药师祈福法会圆满日*
时间 :早上9时 至 下午4时30分
流程 :诵药师宝忏
1. $300-公司宝号祈福(限列1名)
2. $100-合家祈福或列6名
4. $10-个人祈福(限列1名)
- 流程 :诵药师经 (中文进行,Conducted in Mandarin)
- 请点击上网登记祈福姓名/亲临佛堂交款
- 或伟城中心交款
- 付款截止 :11月5日
- 交款方式网上有详细说明
- For enquiry, pls contact:Ms Li Shu Bin (李淑宾) 65471580 / 91377319
*Names for supplication for blessings*
1) $300 Per company name
2) $100 Per family or 6 names
3) $10 Individual name
2017 Medicine Buddha Puja (Supplication for blessing)
(A) Recitation of Medicine Buddha Sutra
Date : 6th to 11th November 2017 (Monday to Saturday)
Time : 7.45pm to 9.30pm
(B) Medicine Buddha Puja Completion Day & Recitation of Medicine Buddha Repentance Sutra
Date : 12th November 2017 (Sunday)
Time : 9am to 4.30pm
- Pls click link below to register and indicate names for prayers
- Pls make payment at BWM woodlands or Citiraya level 3
- Closing date: 5 Nov
- Mode of payments are listed in link below