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Shi Fu once said:
Everyone please do not think that this is now dharma degenerative time so there is no true Buddha dharma available to be learnt. Because the existence of true Buddha dharma is to be verified and accomplished within our mind.
"大家不要以为好像已经到了末法时代, 没有怎什么真正的正法可学, 因为真正的正法存不存在, 是在内心里面去证成。"
对象:BW Monastery students 吉祥宝聚寺同学
报名:Through class monitors 通过班长
地点:Hall of Jewels L4四楼聚宝堂
日期:28 Oct, Sat
时间 : 4 sessions 一天四场
双语 (Bilingual): 9am, 12nn, 3pm
英语(English): 6pm