吉祥宝聚寺人山人海齐诵大悲忏 news 3 Sept Written By Shi ZG 拜大悲忏,向观世音菩萨学习,发慈悲心,菩提心。By attending the Great Repentance Puja service, we can learn to be compassionate and to have a Bodhichitta heart. 虔诚的心扉 Shi ZG
吉祥宝聚寺人山人海齐诵大悲忏 news 3 Sept Written By Shi ZG 拜大悲忏,向观世音菩萨学习,发慈悲心,菩提心。By attending the Great Repentance Puja service, we can learn to be compassionate and to have a Bodhichitta heart. 虔诚的心扉 Shi ZG