【The Six Types of Suffering 希求解脱】When you are born, you are born by yourself. When you die, you die by yourself. 生时独自生,死时还独死

【The Six Types OF Suffering】- When you are born, you are born by yourself. When you die, you die by yourself.

In regard to having no companions, Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds says:
This body comes forth whole, yet
The bones and flesh that accompany it
Will break apart and
disperse. As this is so, Why
mention others, such as loved ones?
You are born alone.
Also you die alone.
As others cannot share your suffering,
Of what use is the hindrance of loved ones?

This body, when it is born, "This body comes forth whole." This is how the body is born. And then you would always feel, "Ah, this should be 'me' after all! I'm sorry, when it breaks apart, I'm sorry, it will just break apart, just break apart. All the friends and families and so on that you have now, no one can go with you, not a single person. You cannot take them withyou. This is the situation. Therefore, there are no companions. When you are born, you are born by yourself. When you die, you die by yourself. They cannot go in place of us. So why should we hinder each other? That is why we should help each other here. That's what is real. We should take advantage of this rare opportunity to help each other. This is what we really need. There will be great benefits if we help each other and it will be meaningless to hinder each other. What is truly reliable - to rely on the teaching, to rely on the Sangha community. Then it's right. Other than these, there is nothing else. "Having no companion," firmly remember this!


71B 04’21” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P233 L7
English Lamrim Vol 1 P287

日常师父法语📡71B 04’21” 手抄稿第9册P233 L7

希求解脱 : 生时独自生,死时还独死





【The Six Types of Suffering 希求解脱】In cyclic existence, there is nothing you can count on 于生死中无保信


【The Six Types of Suffering 希求解脱】Ownself going through this endless darkness that neither sun nor moon can penetrate 独自当趣无边黑闇