【The Eight Types of Suffering 希求解脱】Truly understand suffering 真正理解苦

【The Eight Types of Suffering】- Truly understand suffering

Further, this says that now that you understand the attributes of suffering, you will therefore wish to be liberated from suffering. Where is this root to suffering? It would be these two things, afflictions and karma which are ignorance and actions. These are the root to cyclic existence. Suppose you do not even know the root to cyclic existence, or perhaps you may know but you are not skilled at it. This does not mean that you know it imprecisely. You may understand it while it is explained, but it becomes completely blurred afterwards. This is useless. Or perhaps you can explain it to others, but after you explain what the principles are referring to, where is it referring to? It is still just on the text book. "I have attained a Ph.D. for my thesis!" However, what are the subjective aspects that it is pointing to within the mind? These are two irrelevant phenomena. Then it would be futile.


68B 11’13” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P126 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P270

日常师父法语📡68B 11’13”手抄稿第9册P126 L5

希求解脱 : 真正理解苦



【The Eight Types of Suffering 希求解脱】root to cyclic existence as the target 生死的靶子


【The Eight Types of Suffering 希求解脱】not revolted by cyclic existence, (one will) transmigrate through birth and death 不厌生死就轮转生死